Demountable Walls

Demountable Walls

Demountable Walls

Demountable Wall Systems

Demountable walls offer an adaptable solution for companies with a fluctuating workforce and office space requirements. In a world of constant churn rate, demountable walls offer dependable flexibility.

  • Demountable walls come in many laminate and vinyl finishes for a customized look.
  • Installation flexibility. Walls can be setup on top of carpet and grid so it speeds up construction.

Creating an attractive office setting is no longer cumbersome. Demountable walls provide easier installation and more flexibility than more traditional wall buildouts.

Demountable walls or movable partitions have been around since the 1920’s. But, the dawn of the movable glass partition walls became popular when tech giants Google and Facebook added them into their office designs. Architects and Commercial Designers saw a huge demand and no wonder, these quick-to-install, framed walls have so much going for them.

  • Glass walls provide divisional privacy without blocking views or natural light
  • Easy to install over flooring
  • 100% is movable and reusable
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Noise mitigation comparable to drywall
  • Less expensive than drywall
  • Tax savings
Demountable wall system - movable partitions

In addition to their flexibility and functionality, demountable walls can also be customized to fit the unique style and aesthetic of a business.

They are often made from sustainable materials and provide acoustic and visual privacy, creating a more comfortable and environmentally friendly work environment.

Demountable walls can offer a range of benefits that can help businesses to be more productive, sustainable, and efficient in the long term.